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Sales policy

Acceptance of these general booking conditions entails authorization by the user for their data to form part of the “web clients” file of VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A., and the treatment of these files will be regulated as set forth in our privacy policy. .

Clients of the website “https://www.viajesvelero.com” declare that they are over 18 years of age with the legal capacity to sign contracts and contract services.

Information about services:

The descriptions, images, graphic or iconographic representations related to the services and/or locations and/or geographical areas, as well as the trade names, brands or distinctive signs of any kind, contained in “https://www.viajesvelero.com” , are intended to provide the client with as much information as possible and have been provided by our suppliers and collaborators of VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A.

If due to force majeure or any incident attributable to VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A., the service is not available once the purchase has been made, VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. will inform the client of the incident through any of the contact forms provided by the client (email, telephone...) offering the possibility of total or partial cancellation of the service, without prejudice to the exercise of the right of withdrawal that corresponds to the client. in accordance with the provisions of these general conditions of use.

Some products may be subject, in addition to these general conditions of use, to special conditions of sale. These particularities will be visible to the customer in the product description along with the rest of its conditions.

These conditions of use may be modified depending on the corresponding special conditions of sale of the service, these special conditions of sale will prevail over these general conditions of use. Therefore, the client must pay special attention, in addition to the conditions of use, to the special and particular conditions of sale of the selected product if any, which will be understood to be accepted at the time the client proceeds to contract the service.

Service Prices:

The prices offered through "https://www.viajesvelero.com" include the VAT in force at the time of making the reservation. The prices do not include expenses arising from changes, modifications and/or cancellations of the contracted services, nor do they include local taxes depending on destination.

VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. reserves the right to modify prices at any time, without prejudice to purchases made previously.

Contracting of Services and Formalization of Orders:

The contracting of services through "https://www.viajesvelero.com" is carried out following the purchase procedure detailed in the "Order Form".

VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. will send by email to the customer, within forty-eight hours of receiving the formalization of the order, an email with acknowledgment of receipt of the confirmation of the service purchased. The purchase, and of course the contract, will be formalized at the time of payment for the service by VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A.

Services pay:

Payment for the services purchased through the website 'https://www.viajesvelero.com' will be made at the time the client receives from VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A an e-mail with acknowledgment of receipt confirming the purchase. Likewise, VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A will not accept payments by bank transfer, in the case of reservations with tickets to the establishment within a period equal to or less than 96 hours.

Proof of purchase of the service order will be available at any time, upon written request via email to VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A to your email account: comercial@viajesvelero.com.

The client may make payment by credit or debit card: Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, and/or other similar cards that the POS payment gateway allows at the time. The payment card must have as its issuing financial entity a Spanish bank or savings bank or a branch or subsidiary financial entity of a foreign financial entity with an establishment in Spain.

VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A has the maximum security measures commercially available in the sector. Likewise, the payment process works on a secure server using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. The secure server establishes a connection so that the information is transmitted encrypted using 128-bit algorithms, which ensure that it is only decipherable by the client's computer and that of the “https://www.viajesvelero.com” website.

If any improper or fraudulent charge occurs on the card used for purchases on the website "https://www.viajesvelero.com", the client will notify VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A, through their email account: administracion@viajesvelero.com, in the shortest period of time possible, so that VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A initiates the necessary steps to resolve the incident.

VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. states that it does not have access to or store sensitive data related to the payment method used by the client. Only the payment processing entity will have access. Once the purchase process is completed, an electronic document formalizing the contract is generated, which is archived at VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. available to the client (if needed).

VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A ensures the security of customers and their transactions through the website "https://www.viajesvelero.com", to this end it has implemented a program to detect possible fraudulent operations, for which reserves the right to request additional information from users, even after having made one or more service contracts, through “https://www.viajesvelero.com',” in order to reconfirm that the client has actually made and authorized said purchase(s) and thus definitively close the transaction(s).

VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. reserves the right to verify the client's identity by telephone, and/or request a written confirmation or authorization signed by the client responsible for the purchase(s) and a copy of the current official identification with a photograph of the client to confirm their identity. , obligating to protect said information with the highest security measures available, according to the validity of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

If the client does not provide the requested information/documentation within the agreed period, VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A reserves the right to act accordingly, and may automatically cancel their reservations without prior notice or liability for VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A and will proceed with the refund. automatic of the amount(s) paid by the customer for said purchase(s).

This procedure is for the safety of the clients of VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. and therefore, by accepting these general conditions of use, the procedure for detecting possible fraudulent operations referred to above is accepted, without liability for VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. is also authorized to do so. so that the information and additional documentation provided can be used for future customer transactions.

Responsibility of VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the applicable regulations, the responsibility of VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. In relation to the intermediation in the sale of services through the website "https://www.viajesvelero.com", it will be limited to the acquisition price of said services.

VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. undertakes to solve any problems that may arise and to offer all necessary support to the customer to reach a quick and satisfactory solution to any incidents that may arise on the website “https://www.viajesvelero.com”.

VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. reserves the right, always in compliance with the applicable regulations, to modify the conditions of application of the promotions, or to extend them by duly communicating it, or to proceed to the exclusion of any of the participants of the promotion in the event to detect any anomaly, abuse or unethical behavior in their participation (such as massive purchases, commercial activities, fraudulent activity, among others).

Modification, Partial Nullity and Integrity of the General Reservation Conditions:

In the event that any clause of these general conditions of use is declared void, the other clauses will remain in force and will be interpreted taking into account the will of the parties and the purpose of said general reservation conditions.

The non-exercise by VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. of any right derived from these general booking conditions will not be interpreted as a waiver of said right, unless expressly waived in writing by VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. or prescription of the action that corresponds in each case.

VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the website “https://www.viajesvelero.com”, as well as the general reservation conditions and privacy policy. Users will always have these booking conditions in a visible place, easily accessible for any queries they may wish to make. Users must carefully read these general booking conditions every time they access the website https://www.viajesvelero.com', their acceptance being a prior and mandatory step to contracting any available service.

These general booking conditions and the contract documenting the client's acquisition of the services constitute the express and sole will of VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. and the client in relation to its object and invalidates and replaces any other agreements or contracts, verbal or written, previously reached by the parties. Any modification of these general booking conditions or the contract that documents the acquisition of services must be made in writing and by mutual agreement between VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. and the client.

Applicable Law, Jurisdiction and Terms

These General and Reservation Conditions are governed by Spanish law. The parties submit, at their option, for the resolution of conflicts and waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the user's domicile.

The terms that are not expressly defined in these reservation conditions will have the meaning attributed by VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A. on the website https://www.viajesvelero.com'

These conditions will prevail over any other conditions, unless otherwise agreed in writing between VIAJES VELERO AZUL S.A and the client. The client who accesses the website "https://www.viajesvelero.com" and/or contracts services through it will be bound by these general booking conditions as they are written at the time of contracting the services. services.


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